Friday, July 31, 2009

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo blogger is screwed again :(
it cheated my feelings :(

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


YAYAYAYAYAY! blogger's back to normal :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today, i had a GREAT day! How about you? haha. I was so glad i brought Congrun to church and he became happier ( or so he claims ) :D YAY! Thank God!

Blogger is partially back to normal, i think. At least the small box is back to the big box! haha. Isn't that great? I was actually going to try on livejournal if things here didn't get better. Haha :) Wordpress is actually good, but it can't put the dailybibleverse thing! lol XP livejournal can leh! :D :D

Next week i'd have 5 tests T.T but nevermind. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME! :D haha. So yeah, God is Great!

To honey: HAHA. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! HAHA. the show like dora the explorer like that haha XP

okay, gotta go off and do hw :D bye!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Blogger doesn't like me lol

HI! * waves *

(: xiaoshi told me its possible to blog with this small box over here. haha. Since when blogger decided to be 'cute' on me?! haha. Its sad i can't post pictures or anything. :( seems like theres nothing except this small box.

YAY! i love my new phone( i hope i will love it a.l.a.i.l) figure that out yourself. alail is not its name :)

So my parents decided to buy more tv channels. and now i've got boomberang(?) i dno channel 36 :) I WAS JUMPING AROUND THE WHOLE HOUSE BECAUSE NOW I CAN WATCH POPEYE!! yesyes, i am so childish, i still love popeye and adore scoobydoo. mickeymouse's last century.

How i wish people would stop having such high expectations of me. its not everyday i can score a 19/20 ok! lol :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


; Unfortunately i'm a little obsessed with pink
Got a pink phone pink bag pink house x100000000 more pink stuff. Lol.

I am deciding whether to change colour to like.

cannot i like before

abit weird

i dont like durians

too hot for me

later julian say i emo

soooooooo. maybe white brown or silver. ok, i am so bored i'm posting about colours, X.X

Should i change phone number?

from 9******* to 9******* ? ( look the same right ! lol)

Monday, July 20, 2009


; millions of people are crying now. Its kind of 'trend' nowadays you know. I mean , not crying trend but people hurting other people is kinda the 'in' thing now. Either the world's getter meaner and people are getting more and more evil or that people are getting more and more oversensitive. I ADMIT I AM VERY SENSITIVE. but some people are really insensitive to the feelings of others.

1 Corinthians 6:7 (New King James Version)
7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?

yeah, why don't we let ourselves be cheated? i let others cheat me a gazillion times. ok, im not so great so please note i'm exaggerating. XP But yeah, people lie & i know but i kept quiet. People hurt my feelings , i chose not to tell them. Whats the use anyway, since at the end of the day, it will all be ok?Have you realised? no matter how hurt you are, time indeed heals. You might never forget, but after awhile it won't hurt anymore.After awhile, you'll stop crying. After awhile you will find yourself smiling again. Close friends run away. They stop caring. Doesn't mean WE have to follow suit. Close friends betrayed you , yet you can still choose to trust them again. Sometimes we just have to let ourselves be at the disadvantage and trust God to do the healing.

Then again, misunderstandings are everywhere. Caused by people 'jumping' into conclusions. like human nature you know. haha.

Philippians 2:4 (New International Version)
4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

This is my desperate attempt to make the world a better but seriously. i am serious.take a look around the world and tell me i'm wrong. haha. i am always wrong, but always right ^^

Friday, July 17, 2009


; 1 Corinthians 16:13 (New International Version)
13Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

Haha. I don't know why i can't stop laughing whenever i'm in water. lol. Even kimberley's brother thinks i'm crazy! O: hahahaha.

Chem test was pretty hard. I think i'm gna fail. But its okay:) i can do better next time! :D I CAN I CAN I CAN DO IT, but only with God.

): didn't change phone today. My sis bought w980. Mummy says she'll buy for me tmr :) *prays hard*

I feel rich in pet society. lol. Spent like 2,000 coins today :D & got a wallpaper -.- haha.

Friends come friends go. Boyfriends come boyfriends go. Bestfriends come and bestfriends go. I come to realize that most people only stay for a period of time.Then they get bored of you and throw you away, and run away with somebody else. I still seem to be where we started, but friends , where are you all now?/: ( NOT BEING EMO OR NEGATIVE HERE!I AM PERFECTLY HAPPY. I've still got great friends that will prove my theory wrong :D )

;OHOH.. thanks Jeremy Janice Jiahui for bday presents :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why can't i think of a title for this post?

; love my meowmeow ! you guys can go and visit her. She vlonely nowadays :( argh , all those tests and projects X.X only now then got time :( haha, but. BETTER than nothing!

Today's history presentation was rather awkward @.@ lol. AHHHHHHHHH. i always screw up presentations, so yeah. not surprising. XD

After school went shopping with xiaoshi and kimberley! I didn't buy anything. I'm trying to save up for a new phone! :D maybe changing tmr. haha. yay!

ohyeahhhhhhhhhh, I am so glad God never fails to answer my prayers! haha. I was praying that my group won't have to do ss presentation today and it came true ^^ lol. && i was almost late for school yesterday. Nearly had a panic attack ( ok maybe i'm overeacting and partially exaggerating. XP ) In normal curcumstances, i would be late. Which i think , would the the third time late this year? The last thing i want is the school calling my mum to complain ): haha, so i asked God to let me reach school on time :))))))))))))

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy week

; sleeeping late everyday :(

I think i'm going to have panda eyes soon ! haha. I AM SO GLAD PHYSICS TEST IS POSTPONED! I was like praying desperately the past few days! /: too busy to study for physics which already :) so THANKGOD! So i am going to start on SS project soon. and the time now is 9.55 pm. ><

hehehehehehehe. although i am so tired -.- i am glad i'm able to stay 'awake' during lessons. A little thanks to Julian, haha , but seriously. DO I LOOK SAD MOST OF THE TIME? He claims i'm emo :( Which is totally the opposite /: HAHA :D

All those who have cl oral the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow , and after tomorrow , GOODLUCK AND HOPE YOU GUYS WILL GET HIGH MARKS :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009



So i asked God to tell me whether if i should forget or wait for him. Somehow i have a feeling he wants me to wait. lol, cos i anyhow flipped one page of my sis's 'our journey ;daily walk in the word' book and it says "waiting" hmmmmmm. okay i'm talking nonsense. X:

I really want to hate this person. :( Everytime i go the person's blog my blood is like boiling and and heart is breaking -.- so stupid lor, i never had such a strong urge to hate someone. But i just can't do it! I think love her too much. IT ISN'T RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't be. I should just cut off all connection with her and heed my daddy's advice. BUT I JUST COULDN'T DO IT! argh! Something is seriously wrong with me. D: Firstly i cannot forget him,even tho its been 1year and 8 months. Secondly, i just kept letting my 'friend' take advantage of me like nobody's business. OK, whatever, sry . i just needed to get this out of my heart /: i don't feel so bad now, and i don't wna hate her now :) <3 God.

"It made me wonder how many times we forgive just because we don't want to lose someone, even if they don't deserve our forgiveness."
~Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

HAHA. i spent away my friday night, saturday /: now its 8 plus and i haven't done anything related to school. hmph, 4tests 2projs next week.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday! Haha. It was kind of the best birthday i've ever had. Dno why, but i smiled alot :D I started receiving presents one month before my birthday, and still receiving today. I'm so touched by you all you know! So many birthday wishes :) especially khairul, who apparantly decided to wish me every few minutes ._. lol, and from people whom i've never speak to for more than 1minute.

Anyway, special thanks E290!, xiaoshi kimberley, munping , joni carissa rebecca, julian , matthew and last but the most thanks to my dearest SISTER! for all the presents :) I'm sorry i couldn't name all of you here. of else i'll be naming more 1/2 the class and tons of others X.X But seriously THANKS AGAIN! :D

argh, wanted to post pictures ,but blogger wouldn't allow /: ohwell...

;the best present i received is from God! He gave me all of you :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wrong again
Father, I hate to tell you this
You taught me how to hit the mark
And once again I missed

Touch the fire
You always said that I'd get burned
Why is it so hard
To remember all the lessons I have learned

How can you look at me that way
When I have failed so many times
Showing me love, you tell the world
This child is mine
How can you walk that extra mile
I see forgiveness in your smile
So sure you'd reject me
Wrong again

Once again
Lord, I have wandered from your path
Thought I knew a better way
Coming short of what you've asked
Standing here
I don't deserve a second chance
And I can't conceal
The shame I feel
It's more than I can stand

How can you look at me that way
When I have failed so many times
Showing me love, you tell the world
This child is mine
How can you walk that extra mile
I see forgiveness in your smile
So sure you'd desert me
Wrong again

When I look into your face
And see the power of your grace
I find it so hard to believe
Forgiveness that your showing me
I see the answer in your eyes
Love and mercy realized
And finally your truth has set me free

How can you look at me that way
When I have failed so many times
Showing me love, you tell the world
This child is mine
How can you walk that extra mile
I see forgiveness in your smile

I thought you would scold me
Instead you just hold me
Thought you would judge me
Instead you just love me
So sure you'd reject me
Wrong again

<3333333 God !

Sunday, July 5, 2009


To think about all the sad things that happen all around me, think about how people wouldn't appreciate all that i've done for them,who take me for granted,used me as a substitute, only looking for me when they needed something. Its very hurting, but i couldn't bring myself to tell them to stop doing that to me. How much sometimes i wanted to murder those who break hearts, i wonder how anyone would want to forgive them. But someone did, God would. You could break a thousand hearts and kill hundreds of people, he would still be willing to give you all he had , he will still be willing to be your substitute, he will still be willing to get hurt and take the blame away from us. He will still be willing to be there for you when no one else would, he will still be willing to love us.

Compared to what he's done for us, i feel that what i'm willing is just peanuts.

Ephesians 4:32 (New International Version)
32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


;YAY! thank God for today =)

I spent like umm, $60 ( including jeremy's late bday present ) haha. Its weird shopping with a guy , that is more picky than me. lol. Not counting the fact that he made me scream in the middle of a quiet bookshop -.- , almost like screaming in a library loh. so embarrassing! HAHA.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Breaking news

1) My bobdog lost his leg
2) Father first time don't let sis go out.
3) I slept in the afternoon ( yay! finally:D )

1) Show you poor bobdog's picture next time. So i threw him down the rubbish chute. :/ evil huh! :P

2) D: Daddy i going out to study.
DAD: Go where study?
D: go walk walk maybe mcdonald.
DAD: No . later u go jungle later meet tiger then u know.
D: mcdonald where got tiger?

3) jianbao amaths(#!@#!~) chem /: to do nowwwwwwwww.

I want to change blogskin. Haven't been able to find time or a nice skin :S I know this one is too bright and it hurts your eye but......its pink :(

anyway! just rmb something! :D
you know during pahang theres this solowalk thingy ( alone in the middle of the forest at night) we had to walk back. & all i can see is the stars and sometimes too late random flash lights, i couldn't even see the route i was walking on ,only can feel it. oh and we have no phone no flashlights no water -.- .I know i always have fear sleeping alone in a dark room, so I prayed before i started walking and surprisingly i wasn't afraid! in fact i felt very safe =) so i made my way through and hit someone on his head. ( the person wanted to scare me -.- haha, but he failed anyway! ) & you know what! God gave me two friends to walk back 1/2 of the way through! I think i would've drop into some kinda drain if its not for God :) seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, how wonderful is he! :D

I went to jeremy's cg meeting yesterday . Its amazinggggggggggggg ! haha. everyone should go.